List of Companies To Email For Coupons Canada

Do You Know What January 1st Is?

And the answer isn’t New Year’s day. (Well it is, but not in this case)

January 1st is what I like to call “Ask For Coupons Nicely” day.

At the beginning of the year, couponers/consumers can reach out to their favourite companies that make the products they use and ask them for coupons. Since it’s the beginning of the year, the company would have:

  • Just made their new sets for distribution throughout the year
  • Are going to make them within the next few days
  • OR if you’ve done this before, enough time has passed that you can ask again.

So if this is your first year reaching out to companies, here are some tips to help you on your way. Now keep in mind, you can send a general message to every company but I’ve found if you slightly alter each message to include a line or two about their specific products, it stands out from the mob of messages they typically get and you could end up with a better coupon or a yes when everyone else gets a no. Anyways, here are the tips!

  1. Start off your message with a greeting
    Don’t just say ‘Give me coupons. Address here’. There are people behind the screen and everyone deserves a ‘hey’ or ‘happy holidays’. It’s going to be a long day for them so at least say hello and then drop your coupon request.
  2. Tell them about how you and your family use their products (OPTIONAL)
    Now while this is optional, it can increase your chances of getting a coupon over anyone else. This adds a personal touch and makes you stand out in the sea of general inquiries.

             3. Ask nicely for coupons
           This is the key part! Ask for the coupons! You’ve given your greeting and told them you loved their products and now your requesting a way to save money so you can continue to purchase. While you don’t have to give a reason why you need them, you could if you want to.


            4. Don’t forget your name and address at the bottom

         Make sure you add your name and address at the bottom of the email/form that way they know exactly where to send it and don’t have to delay sending you your coupons as they wait for your reply.

Not sure what to write? See below for some templates!

     But I do recommend changing it up a bit or bragging about the company!

1) Good Morning and happy New Years! I am a big fan of your products and was wondering if you had any coupons. My address is: (put the address here)

2) Hello and happy holidays. My (insert family members) and I all love your products and can’t live without them. So we are very hopeful that you might have coupons available that you are willing to send out this year. If so, my address is (put the address here)

3) Happy New Year from our family to yours.

I am a big fan of your products and was wondering if you had any coupons or samples available. My address is: (put the address here)

So Who Do You Email?