Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a charitable program that provides free, high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five.
How It Works:
1.Registration: Parents or guardians enroll their children in the program, either online or through a local affiliate.
2.Book Delivery: Once registered, each child receives a free book in the mail every month until their fifth birthday. The books are carefully selected and tailored to the child’s age and developmental stage.
3. Local Partners: The program is funded through partnerships with local organizations, such as libraries, schools, and non-profits, which raise funds to cover the costs of the books and mailing.
Mission and Impact:
•Early Literacy: The program helps children build strong early literacy skills, preparing them for school and lifelong learning.
•Accessibility: By offering free books, the Imagination Library removes financial barriers to accessing quality reading materials.